Slightly dampen the applicator pad with water and add a small amount of IBIZ Wax (about the size of a dime) to the center of the pad. Once the surfaces listed above are clean, seal with IBIZ Wax for additional protection. Good on any hard, smooth, non-porous finish. Use outside your home, on sunrooms, tinted glass, 3M treated windows, aluminum, metal, greenhouses, aluminum siding, outside lighting, gutters and downspouts, lawn mowers, snow blowers, garden tools, wheel chairs, outside furniture, PVC pipe and vinyl seat covers. Use on tools, toolboxes, guns (nickel, stainless and blued), knives, fishing rods and reels, bowling balls, golf clubs and balls, racecars, boats, aircrafts and gel coats. Use on chrome, over decals and pin striping, clear coated wheels and trim. Safe for use on copper and stainless steel sinks and all household appliances. On stubborn stains, apply using the green side of a 3M sponge. For glass cooktops do not dilute solution first. Fill the remaining solution in the bottle with warm water, shake well and apply to windows, glass, kitchen cabinets, granite countertops, formica, refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, microwaves, bathroom and kitchen faucets, etc. Fill the remaining solution in the bottle with warm water, shake well and apply as indicated above.Household uses:Dilute the solution by emptying half the solution into a separate container. For show cars or cars in pristine condition, you can cut IBIZ Waterless Wash & Wax up to 50% with warm water by emptying half the solution into a separate container.

If you are working too hard to remove the product it means you are using too much. Using another clean, dry cloth, wipe again. Rub the area back and forth, allowing the product to sink into the paint surface, and wipe off with a dry cloth while still wet. Dampen the applicator or a clean cloth with water and apply product to a 2 ft. Squeeze the spray trigger and cover a 2 ft. Set the spray nozzle to the finest spray setting. It is not necessary to wash the vehicle before applying IBIZ Waterless Wash & Wax if there is no mud, sand or dirt on your vehicle. WATERLESS WASH & WAXSafe for all finishes including clear coat, lacquer, enamel, powder coat, metallic, antique and freshly painted vehicles. Squeegee dry or wipe with a clean cloth or paper towel.2. Using a window brush or rag, wash thoroughly and then rise with clean water. of IBIZ Car Wash into a 2 ½ gallon bucket of water until wash is dissolved. Windows, glass and shower doors: Add 2 oz. Wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth and air dry.3. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and wipe small areas at a time. To avoid this, rinse in a separate bowl of clean water and allow to air dry away from the sink. DO NOT RINSE UNDER THE TAP! Your rings and stones will be very slippery and could fall into the drain. Using a toothbrush or small soft fiber brush, dip the brush into the solution and gently brush the front and back of the stones.

Diamonds, emerald, rubies and other precious stones: Add 1 oz. This 90% suds-free product is designed to float off dirt, mud and sand from your vehicle/auto, truck, motorcycle, RV, trailer and boat.Additional uses:1. Don’t look for a lot of suds, you won’t find any. of IBIZ Car Wash into a 2½ gallon bucket of water until wash is dissolved. OP, the way technology is working now, you have spray sealants on the market that offer 6 months of protection from one application and need to cure time to buff like old school liquid waxes, etc.IBIZ Car Care System1. I agree the GG6 is a great machine with a lifetime warranty. Then there are other big boy toys that scale up. IMO, the entry point for anybody would be the Griots backed by a lifetime warranty. BUT, there is plenty of good content there as a starting point. Content and discussions are not what it used to. Personally, I have not been on the detailing forums in a couple years now. You're better off spending ALOT of time reading old threads here or here