2.1 mm barrel plug
2.1 mm barrel plug

2.1 mm barrel plug

It differs from the standard variant by being used as a melee weapon.

2.1 mm barrel plug

45 - a unique unobtainable variant used by Joshua Graham. It also uses the same Pip-Boy icon as the 9mm pistol. It differs from the standard variant by having 50 base and crit damage, 2x crit chance and a min spread of 0.35.

  • A Light Shining in Darkness (non-player character) - A unique playable variant used by Joshua Graham.
  • 45 Auto pistol - the standard variant found throughout Zion Canyon, and purchasable from merchants in the Mojave Wasteland after the completion of Honest Hearts.


    45 Auto pistol, it is considered an improved holdout weapon, and can be concealed and taken into weapon-free locations so long as the player character's Sneak skill is 50 or greater.Ī Light Shining in Darkness can fire a total of about 1,245 rounds, the equivalent of 208 reloads, from full condition before breaking. 45 Auto pistol, when aiming down the trench sights, the weapon zooms in more than a regular, un-scoped pistol, making longer-range encounters much easier. Compared to its standard counterpart, it has greater DPS, less spread, greater critical chance and damage, a greater rate of fire and greater durability, albeit having one less round in the magazine. Like most unique weapons, weapon modifications cannot be added to this firearm.

    2.1 mm barrel plug

    45 Auto pistol with a shortened barrel, it features a custom skeletonized hammer and trigger commander length slide and a snake-skin grip, along with the etched Greek text "καὶ τὸ φῶς ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ φαίνει (kaì tò phõs én tẽ skotía phaínei)" on the right side and "καὶ ἡ σκοτία αὐτὸ οὐ κατέλαβεν (kaì é skotía aútò oú katélaben)" on the left side, which translates as "And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not." It also has "trench" sights (a groove running along the top of the pistol which the player character aims down), rather than having a rear notch and a front post.

    2.1 mm barrel plug